Frequently Asked Questions - Courthouses

How can we help?

At the Courthouse Parking Lots you will meet all kinds of people.

Some people will just be going downtown (there is a parking lot up the street).

Some will be going to court (they probably won't be too happy about it).

In any event, a smile and a kind word will be appreciated.

Many times we have had opportunities to witness to people, hand out rag-tracts, etc...

Where are they?

The Middle and East Courthouses are at 4th & Sherman - one on the NW and one on the SE corner

the West Courthouse is at 5th & Sherman


The West & Middle Courthouses - 8:00 each morning until 10:00 each evening - Sunday through Saturday.

The East Courthouse - 8:00 each morning until 5:00 each evening - Monday through Friday.

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